Our School Vision

At Ferndale we want all children to be.... happy, safe and secure. 

All children come with valuable experiences before they arrive to us. As a school, we aim to capture their individuality and uniqueness and nurture this throughout their schooling. Diversity, respect and a real sense of belonging is a key value. We endeavour to ensure all children learn their skills and knowledage through relevant topics that will ensure they have life long skills for the future. Adaptations and responsive teaching ensures all children aim to achieve their full potential. Bringing learning to life, as much as possible, to make learning memorable and build memories is at the heart of our curriculum offer. 

When children leave Ferndale for their next chapter of their lives we want to ensure they are equipped with life skills to aid them to achieve their full potential.

We want them to leave Ferndale with a suitcase of life skills please see the representation below to reflect what our aim is..

The things inside this suitcase represent our vision for the children:



-High self esteem

- Safe risk taking

- Resilience

- To have a voice

- Friendship

- Challenge

- Empathy

- Courage


Our vision has been developed from all stakeholders including Governors, teachers, children, parents and staff.